Romans 5:5

Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lost Innocence

It makes my heart hurt when I see other people's pain. The worst pain comes from seeing a friend's character tainted by a jaded view on life and her worth as a woman.My first reaction is to be angry, and to tell her that she is not living or speaking like the Christian that she says she is. How can you say that you are a Christian and then show yourself to the world in a completely different light?? But that is addressing the surface - the problem of the moment.
Innocence is not just our actions, it is the condition of our hearts and minds. What makes a girl turn from a picture of innocent beauty into a virtual whore? (Oh how it hurts to use that name for someone I love!But there is no other way to say it without numbing the truth)Out of the mouth the heart speaks, so don't tell me that it is just "creativity". It is pain and desperation masked as passion.
I cannot claim complete innocence in my life, except through the blood of Jesus. I have been in that place where my hormones controlled me and found myself sinking into a dark, scary place where my only company was another heart searching for love in the wrong way. I can think back on those feelings and try to understand how I may have gotten to the same place as this girl. But it is like a dark, bottomless hole that sucks me in, and I was not freed from those chains to go back to them.
I want to make her see, to help her out of the pit she's digging for herself. But how can I help her out if she does not acknowledge that she is doing it? My words can only go so far.
Oh my God! Please Father, go into her heart, to the place I cannot reach her. Open her eyes to Your love for her so that she will find her pleasure in You! Heal her heart that has been broken so many times. Let the pain that causes her to find her value in sexuality and lust be washed away by Your blood. Hold her close and convince her of her worth. Help me oh Father to be an example of living in freedom. Use me in whatever way You want to help my precious sister. Thank you God.

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